Thursday, October 17, 2013

Government Shutdown Cost $24 Billion, Standard & Poor's Says

Article PhotoWASHINGTON -- The government shutdown has taken at least $24 billion out of the United States economy, the financial ratings agency Standard & Poor's said Wednesday.
The firm said the shutdown caused it to cut its forecast of gross domestic product growth in the fourth quarter by at least 0.6 percentage point. The agency lowered its estimate for GDP growth to close to 2 percent from 3 percent.
The estimate represents a staggering cost to the economy of a completely self-inflicted political catastrophe. Unlike the 2008 economic crisis and other past recessions, the government shutdown had nothing to do with larger economic trends. The numbers show Washington's brinksmanship caused real damage beyond furloughed government workers and the Washington, D.C., region.
The shutdown came after the Federal Reserve reported modest growth in the economy in September. "Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve districts suggest that national economic activity continued to expand at a modest to moderate pace during the reporting period of September through early October," the Federal Reserve wrote Wednesday.
when you do something out of spite you do it with blinders and ear plugs you are oblivious to the ramifications of your actions, however when there are hundreds of you somebody knows are they the more guilty because they knew and let it happen anyway?
how about when yo are warned that this is not a good idea and you ignore and proceed anyway, kinda like Bush and the Bin Laden he was warned he ignored and proceeded business as usual, Iraq i won't bore you with that bit of history but suffice it to say republicans are not to keen on threats they are the proverbial bulls in the china shop, their destruction is not predictable as so much of America depends on other factions of America like gov't.
there should be no forgiveness for this irresponsible assault on Americans and their lives it was done for nothing but political posturing and like 2008 and 12 they underestimated the Pres. after all the demonizing lies about him now they have mud on their face and he's kicked their cans all over the place, so far Pres. is batting 1000 republicans -.000000 will they learn finally that their poop stinks too, nah they'll be back they sad so and if it's one thing you can depend on them for it's obstruction.
Standard & Poor's warned that even a temporary agreement could have consequences for the United States economy, leading consumers to worry about a sequel to the current crisis.
"The short turnaround for politicians to negotiate some sort of lasting deal will likely weigh on consumer confidence, especially among government workers that were furloughed," the agency said. "If people are afraid that the government policy brinkmanship will resurface again, and with it the risk of another shutdown or worse, they'll remain afraid to open up their checkbooks."
they planned to sink the Pres. some knew what could happen by denying the Pres. they denied Americans too, those things like uncertainty and fear are things that have been created by the right wing manufactured crisis to presumably overload the Pres. but again their rabid approach and audacity of arrogance have them all walking around in a hospital gown we see their asses and the dirt all over them.