Thursday, October 10, 2013

Boehner Abruptly Changes Strategy Following Outcry From Koch Brothers And Heritage

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Beohner cries so much because he knows he's big money and T-P's BIATCH, he is not his own man, or a leader.
Last week, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) bluntly refused to bring up any debt ceiling vote in the House without demanding Democratic concessions first, telling ABC’s This Week, “We are not going to pass a clean debt limit increase.”
By Wednesday, conservative powerhouses Heritage Foundation and Koch Industries made room for a new plan when bothurged Republicans to approve a debt ceiling increase with no strings attached. In a striking change in tone, House GOP leadership have presented a clean six-weekdebt ceiling extension that does not include a plan to fund the government.
do you get a better picture of who is really running your/their congress money is the determining factor of whether you die on a gurney in the hospital because you are still uninsured clenching in your cold dead hand a worthless voucher.
At a press conference Thursday, House GOP leadership announced the new strategy, one day after Heritage Action CEO Michael Needham admitted the group will “give the speaker some flex on a short-term debt limit increase,” in order to extend the shutdown over Obamacare.
On Wednesday, Koch officials increased the pressure with a letter for inquiring members who “have asked what our position is on this issue” that claims the conservative billionaires never supported withholding government funds over Obamacare. Privately, Koch officials told Congress a U.S. default would be a disaster.
read this again the republicans are just shills for big business they are not governing they are taking orders this gov't's connection to right wing is nothing but the obstruction and destruction of it, as dictated by the Koch's et al, they wanted something they could tie to slavery once again like fraud it's in their backyard.  2014 recognize