Sunday, August 25, 2013

The holy war over Obamacare

are Satanic rituals and ceremonies called Holy too?
Article PhotoThe Obamacare wars have gone holy.
As in politics, the religious world is riven by the health law. Sympathetic faith organizations that see an opportunity to live up to their God-given mission to aid the poor are stepping up to White House efforts to get people covered. Evangelicals and conservative congregations view Obamacare as an affront to their values and personal freedoms.
so is this saying that southern evangelicals dismiss the tenet of real religion word to help those who can't help themselves and love thy neighbor, we see they have replaced it with "i got mine you are on your own" personal freedoms, laughing and cheering at fellow Americans dying for lack of insurance and then voting to keep it that way, where the hell does their God come from, oh my bad.
“A pastor is morally responsible for how he impacts his congregation,” said Richard Land, president of the Charlotte, N.C.-based Southern Evangelical Seminary. “I, personally, as a pro-life evangelical Christian believe it would be the height of irresponsibility to encourage anyone in my congregation to do anything other than … oppose this.”
they need a new preacher if that is true he is not a real believer because if he were he would be worried about his own blasphemous soul.  telling his "flock" that health care is a non entrity and if you apply bObama to it it's an abomination, this guy needs to burn in hell taken out cooled off then torched till Cheyney admits he tortured.
Elmer Gantry religion ticket to hell with no layovers.