Sunday, August 18, 2013

Republican Leadership Proposes Using Right-Wing Radio Hosts For GOP Debates In 2016

Article Photogentlemen break out your whiffle balls and cut the fans off, now the real truth comes out they are not concerned about NBC/CNN and Hillary movie they want to make sure the right questions get asked, they probably will pass out cheat sheets and sit down with those of the clown brigade and tell them how to answer.
In their inability to accept the reality of the 2012 elections, the Republican Party has already come out in favor of not holding debates on news networks. Now, the news is circulating that the RNC has come out in favor of letting right-wing radio hosts moderate the 2016 GOP debates.
Of course, last week Rush Limbaugh argued that the Republican party should only debate in front of a controlled audience, namely Fox News, calling any actual news agency biased. 
Except, once his idea was accepted by the RNC leadership, Rush ran away from it, claiming that he would overshadow the candidates.
Without journalists to moderate, one can only imagine what will happen at the debates. They will become part of the right-wing echo chamber. With a neo-conservative moderator (Limbaugh, Hannity or Levin) focusing on himself rather than the debate, it will surely turn off mainstream voters. After all, it was not the right-wing darlings who won the primaries, but moderate Mitt Romney, who had to fight extreme right-wing pressure to maintain the few moderate credentials he had left after the debates.
set up set up more lies will be confirmed when you hear the leading weak questions screened by the GOP (got our permission) to make it easy on their"candidates".  this is as clear as Moby Dick when Ahab was tied down to his body that this is it.
But, with “all neo-con all the time,” the 2016 debates would become a race to the bottom rather than an opportunity for viewers to “meet” the candidates. Sure, by controlling the moderators the GOP can control the message, but those moderators would likely give pre-approved softball questions, leaving the voters none the wiser about the candidates they might vote for.
And that is precisely what the Republican Party wants. They don’t want the voters to know the candidates. They want to pick the candidates, decide how they will be presented in the media. The party bosses do not want to risk the unpredictability of real debates, fearing a serious challenge to their establishment. Instead, they will be dog and pony shows, illusions, a series of farces rolled out before cameras to show off to the base.
the party of stupidity strikes again they tried this in 2012 and failed so in their insanity they are trying it again in 2014-16 and "maybe, maybe this time will be the charm".