Saturday, August 17, 2013

Maddow mocks the idea of Limbaugh hosting a GOP debate: ‘Seem like a plan?’

Article PhotoA somewhat amused Rachel Maddow noted on Friday that the GOP’s move to ban CNN and NBC from its future presidential primary debates ran counter to its own advice from earlier this year to be more inclusive and to “stop listening to itself.”
“That was the plan for the Republican party back in March,” Maddow said before bursting into a grin. “Now the plan is to have the Republican presidential candidates’ debates in the next cycle moderated by Rush Limbaugh. Or maybe Sean Hannity. Or somebody else from talk radio.”
Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus, she pointed out, got a standing ovation and a unanimous vote for his plan to exclude the two networks because of their upcoming biographical projects centering on former Secretary of State and prospective Democratic contender Hillary Clinton, even though Fox Television would actually be producing one of them, an argument at which she scoffed.
 I said in a previous post this is the dumbest thing since hiring people to tell you how to talk to Americans then ignore it, let's be all inclusive the party of stupidity does that help i changed a word?
“You’ve gotta get rid of mainstream news associations having anything to do with Republican candidates,” she argued, before showing footage of Limbaugh, Michael Savage and Bryan Fischer. “Because instead, it’s going to be right-wing talk radio now. They’ll do the vetting, and that is how America will learn what the Republican party has to offer.
is it because their base doesn't have TV'S or is it to hide the faces of which ever nut job is speaking?  they don't have to worry like everything else they don't want to do but there is this thing call Internet and channels that replay oh and utube and all the social medias, all howdy doody did with that move was waste their "message" on the choir, keepin it on the DL so nobody ha to know, but as said above this is th 21st century you can't cut the telegraph wires.