Thursday, August 15, 2013

Kilmeade painfully confuses the Constitution with the Declaration of Independence

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Fox News host Brian Kilmeade on Thursday set out to slam a Democratic congressman for his remarks about the U.S. Constitution, but ended up confusing the document with the Declaration of Independence.
In a Wednesday blog posting, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) noted that Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-NY) had “compared ObamaCare’s implementation to the Constitution.”
“When Social Security first came out, people didn’t understand that completely,” Meeks told MSNBC. “When Medicare came out, people didn’t understand that completely. But over time we developed, we got it right. The fact of the matter is, when the Constitution came out, people didn’t understand that. And there were problems in the Constitution. We didn’t say get rid of the Constitution, we fixed it.”
the right is not concerned with a fix like medicine there's no money in the cure, but plenty in trampling all over American's rights that haven't been vitually rewritten by the right to insure their agenda.
The next day on Fox & Friends, host Gretchen Carlson pointed out that Meeks had not made the best argument against repealing Obamacare.
“The problem is with some of those particular programs, like Social Security and Medicaid, yeah, it’s almost worse when people did understand it,” Carlson laughed. “Because you understood that there’s not enough money to pay for Social Security and you understood that there’s a tremendous amount of fraud in Medicaid.”
For Kilmeade, however, it was Meeks’ comments about the Constitution that were the most outrageous.
“For one thing, when the Constitution was passed, people fought for it, they cheered, they melted down the statue of the king in New York City,” he insisted. “So, no one really had to understand it. Do we continue to fine tune it? Absolutely.”
But the events Kilmeade were referring to actually happened in 1776, 11 years before the Constitution was adopted.
did he take the Evelyn woods speed reading class an fail?  these guys never research but is it more that the wrong rhetoric more fits their endeavor?  they really think the have their base in the ban with the door locked.