Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Another Key Provision of 'Obamacare' Suffers Dela


Article Photonow read carefully, these things are more than generous to business allowing them more time then had they taken this seriously would already have reconciled, misleading and oposition from the right, gave false sense of security as to the lies being told becoming true, so Pres. trying to ease this in as painless as possible extends the time, the right wing leaps like a lion on a pork chop say Pres. knew it was ready so he's taking more time their words.
there will be a call for some readjusting which is what these delays are better now then after implementation, but the republican acustomed to elephant dug wants to smear it so it stinks like what they are and have been doing to deny you health care in favor of insurance companies carte blanche in your premiums. wake up everybody pay attention to the smiling faces
In a move likely to stoke the fires of conservatives, the Obama administration has postponed until 2015 a key provision of its signature health care reform law, the limit on out-of-pocket expenses that a consumer might have to pay, according to a report in Tuesday's New York Times.
The Times reports that the delay was referenced among a list of "frequently asked questions" on the Labor Department's website dating back to February.
Under the change, some insurers will be able to delay implementation of the cost caps, which limited a consumer's out-of-pocket expenses to $6,350 for an individual and $12,700 for a family. This will allow companies to set higher limits, or have no limits at all in 2014 when the major provisions of Obamacare begin taking effect.
Last month, the administration delayed another key provision of the health care law, the one requiring companies to provide insurance to their employees or face fines. That move drew howls from the GOP, which has held more than 40 House votes to repeal '"Obamacare." The latest delay will only add to Republican talking points on the health care law, which has emerged as a key issue heading into the 2014 midterm elections.
these are good things it does not as the republicans claimed "ram it down American's throats", instead it gives more opportunity then needed for everyone to get involved and used to the real deal not what they've heard for almost 5 years from the right wing.
According to the Times, the change will allow many group health plans to maintain separate out-of-pocket limits in 2014, one for doctor and hospital services and one for prescription drugs.
Although the two delays are unrelated, they do reflect what many are pointing to as a major impediment to the implementation of "Obamacare" – the fact that large insurers often maintain more than one computer system and that they do not always communicate with each other.
this is not the proverbial hole in the shoe the republicans are trying to make it to be, beats the hell out of what you have had to deal with by yourself with ins. co.'s