Monday, July 15, 2013

Zimmerman Juror Signs With Literary Agent, Book Will Reveal Why Jury ‘Had No Option’ But To Acquit

i wonder if he knew something was in the mix like a fix, nobody ever mentioned he was expressionless throughout the entire trial even up to and after the verdict he was stone cold frozen, curious!

Let the book deals begin!
Article PhotoJuror B37 has signed with a major literary agent less than forty-eight hours after delivering a not-guilty verdict in the murder trial of George Zimmerman.
Sharlene Martin of the Martin Literary Agency nabbed the juror, who at this point remains anonymous. Though no book deal has been announed as of yet, Juror B37 has indicated she would write the proposed text with her attorney husband.
In statement released Monday afternoon, Martin said the book would defend the jury’s decision to let Zimmerman go:
My hope is that people will read Juror B37’s book, written with her attorney husband, and understand the commitment it takes to serve and be sequestered on a jury in a highly publicized murder trial and how important, despite one’s personal viewpoints, it is to follow the letter of the law. It could open a whole new dialogue about laws that may need to be revised and revamped to suit a 21st century way of life. The reader will also learn why the jurors had no option but to find Zimmerman Not Guilty due to the manner in which he was charged and the content of the jury instructions.
i don't know what to think about this it seems like it should be violating some post juror pledge.  doesn't seem right to make money off of a consciousless decision to let a lying killer loose to do it again what will they do if it did what would the verdict be same circumstance different death, does he walk again. 
Juror B37 is not the first to enter the literary realm. Mark and Sondra Osterman, witnesses for the defense, published a book defending Zimmerman in September of 2012.
with double jeopardy laws will Zimmerman cash in on the truth after all they can't hit him again, maybe just waiting to see what the feds are going to do, should be a few million in it.