Monday, July 15, 2013

‘Was This Trial A Racial One?’: The View Co-Hosts Grill Zimmerman Defense Lawyers

George Zimmerman‘s two defense lawyers sat down with the co-hosts of The View this morning to face a grilling over whether their defendant’s trial was a “racial” one, whether they’ve received payment for their legal services, and whether the Department of Justice will take up federal action.
Article Photo“[The DOJ] interviewed over 45 people to see whether or not George Zimmerman — it’s going to sound strange — acted in a way that violated Trayvon Martin‘s civil rights by shooting him,” defense attorney Mark O’Mara explained on the latter question. “It has to be based upon some inappropriate reason like a race-based reason. 
They have done that investigation for over a year and they have not come to any conclusion that there’s any suggestion of a racial component to this.”
that can be said about the Issa witch hunts but it's not stopping him, so a more appropriate statement would be so far have not uncovered any evidence.  i feel his opening words to 911 pretty much seals the deal on intention and mindset.  guess i'm just looking at it as it was not as i would ignore it to be.
Whoopi Goldberg spoke up to grill the two lawyers on whether Zimmerman first spotted Martin that fateful night “because he was a young black man?”
“I think it played a part, absolutely,” answered O’Mara.
“Wouldn’t that justify the Justice Department looking into it?” Goldberg asked to audience applause.
“If they had found any evidence of racism in George’s background, then they would have been able to use that information to say this is the way that George Zimmerman was looking at Trayvon.” He added: “He was looking at Trayvon as a person who was black, but not looking at him solely because he was black.”
Goldberg pressed further, asking O’Mara to explain why Zimmerman would assume the young black Martin would fit the profile of recent burglaries in the neighborhood, prompting the lawyer to ask a question in return: “Because he is black can he never look suspicious?”
“Walking down the street, I kind of think, no,” Goldberg replied. “Because I’m black And I walk down the street. If somebody says I think you may snatch my pocketbook I’d be pissed, that’s just me.”
White [people need to except the fact they will never know or be able to define the Black experience, arrogance allows them the pleasure to consider or dismiss because "they know what it's all about".   let me pull a coat or two, like you guys say, "you don't know Jack", well "you don't know Black" so stop pretending.  "you have to learn how to see me, before you can read me, free your mind"
this morning on Morning Joe absent Joe thank goodness, Barnacle said he will never have to tell his kids to not run in public or watch yourself, don't stand up to police, keep your hands visible don't be belligerent this is a paraphrase but i'm sure you get my drift.  
it's real it permeates society it causes dissension stalling in gov't., murders like this one, creates fear that was and has been planted by the right wing to scare you,  remember how much inference they put on "Muslim Brotherhood"  two buzz words "Muslim and Brother", and now we are back to looking at them as connection to the racial animist here
 they are not Black, but discriminated against all the same by some Americans. they use to call them "Sand @!$%#s" there is no difference in the eye of a hater that can connect in their own radical minds the description of that which they are suppose to hate.
ask any why they hate.....................................nothing legitimate?  my favorite the old southern guy when asked why he hated Obama, "because his name's Obama", then looked at reporter like "didn't you know?