Monday, July 15, 2013

Eric Holder says he shares concerns about Trayvon Martin’s death

Article PhotoWith the acquittal of George Zimmerman continuing to reverberate nationwide, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. says he shares concerns about “the tragic, unnecessary shooting death” of an unarmed black teenager in Florida last year, and he is vowing to pursue a federal investigation into the matter.
In remarks prepared for delivery at the social action luncheon of the Delta Sigma Theta sorority, Holder pledged that the Justice Department would “continue to act in a manner that is consistent with the facts and the law” and would work to “alleviate tensions, address community concerns and promote healing” in response to the case.
“We are determined to meet division and confusion with understanding and compassion — and also with truth,” he said, according to the remarks released by his office. “We are resolved, as you are, to combat violence involving or directed at young people, to prevent future tragedies and to deal with the underlying attitudes, mistaken beliefs and stereotypes that serve as the basis for these too common incidents. 
And we will never stop working to ensure that — in every case, in every circumstance, and in every community — justice must be done.”
hoping he follows through, like the voter obstruction right wing laws all part of the same problem, that problem is not willing to give up the racism and bigotry and deception, and the bribe taking, and stopping the lies to mislead "we the people", tax their rich friends, and leave ACA alone it's law but they still don't want Americans to have health care.  
the greatest enemy the US has can be found in the capitol once in awhile between undeserved breaks and witch hunts, they view us all as having "SUCKER" printed on our foreheads in dayglo paint.
Holder appeared at the Washington Convention Center, where the predominantly African American sorority is celebrating the 100th anniversary of its 1913 founding by 22 women at Howard University in the District.
On Tuesday, Holder travels to Florida to address the NAACP’s annual convention in Orlando, a short drive from the Sanford, Fla., courthouse where Zimmerman was found not guilty Saturday night of charges that he murdered unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin last year.
as far as Pres. i think he needs to take a seat in the beginning right wing lies will tend to turn any effort by him into something from Newts moon base or whatever he was trying to colonize in space.
spending more time correcting them then talking to the people serves only to confuse the issue and makes it more vulnerable, to directed misunderstanding by republicans, admittedly we have had a problem with straightening up the crooked rhetoric of the right wing.