Tuesday, July 9, 2013

‘War On Women’ Leaves GOP Desperate To Recruit A Few Good Vaginas Read more: http://www.addictinginfo.org/2013/07/09/war-on-women-leaves-gop-desperate-to-recruit-a-few-good-vaginas/#ixzz2YY6InKiK


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as vulgar as this sounds is as vulgar as it is.  they have again managed to condescend to women while reaching out they might as well call them a binder full of the 'C" word.
That’s right, ladies, the GOP wants YOU!
It seems the Republican agenda – with its hearty War on Women, embrace of idiots like Limbaugh, Coulter, and Bachmann, and antipathy for social programs that help the poor, the ill and the elderly, issues women in particular are drawn to – has so thinned the ranks of women excited to call themselves “Republican” that the party has no choice: it’s time for a recruitment campaign.
What most women in the country already knew is now dawning on the right-wing women who appear to be stunned by the reality that the other girls just don’t like them. From Rollcall of June 21st:
When Rep. Renee Ellmers talks about what needs to happen to secure the future of the GOP, she tells a story she heard from a staffer who, while packing up the district campaign office after the 2012 elections, stopped to chat with a passer-by.
“The woman said, ‘I’m really glad your boss won,’” Ellmers recalled. “‘But I’m really glad I got to keep my woman’s rights.’
“And that really struck me,” the North Carolina Republican continued, “because it told me that there are women in this country, even in my own hometown, who do not think the Republican Party cares about women, that they would lose their women’s rights if they had a Republican president. … And I thought, ‘That’s really dangerous.’”
Well, hells, honey, we could a told you that a long time ago!
that last sentence says it all how out of touch the party is and even more egregious their women don't have a clue, what are they Stepfordized and have no memory of defending the war on women?
And why wouldn’t women think that? The list of bills, medical limitations, reproductive restrictions, insults, sexist slams (how could we forget Sandra Fluke’s slut-shaming?), and misogynistic mandates (the Lily Ledbetter act comes to mind), etc., that the Republican party has birthed is enough to make any female feel like the most comfortable place a Republican can be is either in a women’s vagina or her pocketbook. And, as women are genetically wont to do, skilled after centuries of dealing with patriarchal men, they know when they’ve had enough and they start heading for the door. And women have found the GOP door – the one leading out.
And upping the ante even further, the GOP gals, frustrated with “the stagnant number of women in its caucus,” have launched a new recruitment program called Project Grow, whose mission statement is as follows:
The name represents our mission –Growing Republican Opportunities for Women. This program is designed to promote the role of women within our party while encouraging more women to become an intricate voice in our American Democracy.
Directed by our Republican Members of Congress with leadership from our female members, Project GROW will empower women, engage female leaders on and off the ballot  in the 2014 cycle and beyond.
The NRCC’s Project Grow will focus on various sectors including recruitment, messaging, polling, training for candidates, localized field events, fundraising, strong digital presence and harnessing the power of data to increase female voter participation. This is a long term effort to grow the already successful and remarkable group of women Members we have in the House as we work to expand our House Republican majority.
We are working overtime on this effort but we need YOUR help.
they have for years set back and listened from behind the man on the podium spewing this garbage, then once and a while they'll let one carry the water and talk shows they fight for the party with the mama grizzly fervor.
now "ah forget that we are for you every since last night when they told us to, but the men iof the right wing will not let this go on for long just like immigration their inbred "values" will make them shut the women down while the men continue the " Ripley's believe it or not" insanities that part their lips.