Monday, July 29, 2013

The Viral Poem That Made This Guy Think About Rape Culture
the, viral, poem, that, made, this, guy, think, about, rape, culture,  If you're the sort of person who believes great art like this can be wielded as an instrument to change minds, the question becomes: what does this poem bring to the conversation that we have otherwise been struggling to say when discussing controversies like rape jokes and rape culture? 
The intention of the poem, of course, isn't just to get us to feel bad all over again about rape jokes. It is, after all, heartbreaking and edgy and even darkly funny. Instead, what is compelling about this poem is its honesty and, within that brutal honesty, a call to redefine what we as a society understand rape to actually be.
too many people systematically brush off thinks that either are to long or the first few words turns them off, you can't be turned off of the topic in 2 or 3 words you can make a determination not to read further but 3 words is not enough to know what the actual message is.  
titles are often misleading they are designed to capture the imagination if those first words don't live up to that expectation we abandon the effort.
we will never know how much 411 we have crap canned out of intolerance and unwillingness to explore pass those first words.  we all at times had occation to rethink the first notion of disinterest, and are often surprised and glad we did. 
like a salesman trying to tell you about your pending purchase, we are programmed to expect these people to BS us and tend to brush it off or walk away thinking we didn't get sucked in, but those times that a word got through and we took a breath and asked to repeat we finf valuable info had we not stopped and paid closer attention. 
Rape culture is our collective refusal as a society to admit that while we in the abstract believe strongly that women should be free from the fear of sexual violence, we have not done enough to actually make the spaces we inhabit together (college campuses, for example) safer.
It's about being trapped in an old mode of defining rape and other forms of sexual violence and thus denying its existence in other forms. For most people rape is something that happens on Law and Order: SVU, CSI, an accuser and an accused (often strangers).
This definition empowers a culture of rape apology on the internet and feeds the websites of Men's Rights advocates. They want, by suggesting that rape is not rape unless you've gone to court, or that rape is not rape if it occurs within a relationship or a marriage, to delegitimize the very idea of rape culture. 
our lives are more important than most of the decisions we make so it behooves us to pay attention and question, but with both ears we have two because there is generally two sides to everything symbolic of turning your head when the direction of a talk changes it's IMO to let the ear that was not filled with the other point available to receive the second.
unfortunately in our culture we have an element who are unwilling or incapable of understanding empathy and it's application.  therefore there interest are limited to what is happening in their little world at the moment and this is wild,
if it doesn't affect them they are oblivious to it's detriment to those who are affected so they deny, demean, segregate and act as though they are not a part of their society and dismiss them, now here's the, what?  they take that attitude of "no skin off my back", education, feeding the poor all not their problem does not affect them.
now if you are part of the LGBT all of a sudden you are affecting them by not affecting them and all the above goes out the window and the decision is made even though it really does not affect the rest of the population, "we are going to make it our business to nip this in the bud.  makes the irrational and compassionate side of the same party always at odds as of post Obama 2008, before they were always in lockstep with their hate rhetoric now it's fire at will.