Monday, July 29, 2013

Major Radio Broadcaster Planning To Drop Limbaugh, Hannity At End Of The Year
Cumulus Media, the second-biggest radio broadcaster in the country, will be dropping Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity from its stations by the end of the year. POLITICO reports thatnegotiations broke down between Cumulus and the conservative hosts’ radio distributor Premiere Networks over distribution rights.
Back in March, Cumulus Media CEO Lew Dickeyadmitted that they were still having problems with advertisers over Limbaugh’s Sandra Flukecomments over a year after he made them. As a result, Limbaugh was reportedly considering cutting his ties to Cumulus, around the same timeMediaite learned from an insider that “the vast majority of national advertisers now refuse to air their ads during Rush Limbaugh’s show.”
Whether Limbaugh was still considering to depart or not, Cumulus has preempted any potential move on his part by ending its relationship with the two Clear Channel hosts.
Cumulus has decided that it will not renew its contracts with either host, the source said, a move that would remove the two most highly rated conservative talk personalities from more than 40 Cumulus channels in major markets…
As industry insiders caution, Cumulus and Clear Channel have come to the brink before during contract negotiations only to resume talks. But the source told POLITICO that Clear Channel was unlikely to reduce the cost for distribution rights to a level that would satisfy Cumulus.
this has to be the biggest blow to both of their careers, you would think that bleeding audience would make one lighten up a bit and go back to the hate and bigotry ridden rhetoric they got rich from, but the surge of saying NIGGAS on the radio because of a self interpretation of his entitlement complex Hannity is is just a bald face liar who picked the wrong stuff to lie about.

no matter how they choose to spin this fall from grace it's not them that have the last word nor their sponsors, it's "we the consumers", we have to realize the power we hold as consumers, we have allowed systematic downgrading of us and our power by those who seek to control us.

ever notice how the right wing nuts are always telling us what we want and think and are tired of, non of their assumptions are close to the pulse of Americans now the "folks" they are on a path of destruction they think we are on except they are looking forward to the trip.