Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Five Hosts Tear Into Al Sharpton: 'Race-Baiter,' Pressured Zimmerman Arrest & Trial

first i would like to say Rev. is obviously on the correct track in his daily endeavors, when you bring out the bugs of Fox to attack you and as i predicted when i read title they would bring up the Brawley involvement. if Whites were not doing things to Blacks and Hispanics there would be no need for Rev or any political mire like we experience now.
they believe she tore her clothes wrote racial expletives on her body, smeared her self with feces than climbed into a bag and laid in an alley till discovered, that is the epitome of multi tasking.  we all have seen the clandestine things that are done by those in power to either get out of or hide their indiscretions, a young Black girl and 6 white police in the middle 80's 6 White police 1 young Black girl 0.

REV said "lots of things were acceptable until we stopped accepting them", if not him who?

The hosts of The Five tonight partially pointed the finger of blame at the “race politics” of theGeorge Zimmerman trial at MSNBC host Al Sharpton. Sharpton has been one of the most outspoken media figures about the trial from the beginning, and even spoke at rallies for Trayvon Martin‘s family. Eric Bolling went so far as to suggest Sharpton was even the “catalyst behind the Murder 2 charge” Zimmerman is facing.
Greg Gutfeld wondered how Sharpton is still “taken seriously” in the U.S. after his involvement in cases like Tawana Brawley. He called Sharpton a “race-baiter” who hasn’t let bumps in the road get in the way of his activist career, and said that if a not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman case results in violence, “he’s got to be part of the blame.” 
Bob Beckel argued that Sharpton should be more proactive in dialing down the fury, but Gutfeld quipped that he’s on MSNBC so no one would notice anyway.
that arrogant remark shows the stupidity if no one would notice why is this article about them "NOTICING"?  ad the real ignorance 
He called Sharpton a “race-baiter” who hasn’t let bumps in the road get in the way of his activist career
that would be because HE'S AN ACTIVIST head of National Action Network, like i said he is concerned about fairness and justice not "just us".
Andrea Tantaros doubted Sharpton has any interest in walking his more fiery statements back, and even went so far as to blame President Obama for weighing in on the case in the first place. Dana Perino took a decidedly different view, arguing that weeks after Martin’s death there was no arrest, and asked that if not for Sharpton, “who else was going to step up?”
given that Zimmerman was not arrested or his weapon seized and the all but high fiving with the cops, this in all likelihood would have gone nowhere and as i think those people involved police on that nobody would make a stink so without investigation let him go home with his gun?
kudo's to Rev in a lot of those cases against Blacks had he not pushed the issue it would have been "just us"