Friday, July 5, 2013

The Employer Mandate Delay Will Smooth Implemenation Of The Rest Of The ACA — Which Is Why The GOP’s So Mad

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The news that the Obama administration will delay by one year a requirement that large employers either provide employees affordable insurance or pay a penalty came as a surprise to Obamacare’s staunchest allies, and even to the people in government tasked with implementing other parts of the law.
It’s an undeniable fact that the so-called “employer mandate” is poorly designed and creating real challenges for businesses and workers alike. When critics of the law cite the delay as evidence of an implementation “train wreck,” in other words, they’re being tendentious, and thinking wishfully, but there’s a kernel of truth to it.
But if the employer mandate snafu were as bad and as symptomatic as Republicans would have you believe, they’d treat it as vindication — a cause for celebration. As we and others have reported, though, the employer mandate exists at the margins of the law’s core functions. The decision to delay it for a year sidelines one liability that would have harmed the law’s rollout, robs Republicans (temporarily, but during an election year) of a legitimate public critique of the law’s real-life effects, and ironically strengthens the state-based insurance exchanges, which are the must-work components of the ACA.
here we are again does this place look very familiar to you? it's the post republican response everytime the sun comes up they are planless they spent 4 1/2 years of our money and legislation blocking trying to make up something that will make you gasp and them to say i told you so, except it's all a product of their propaganda machine that could really use jiffy lube about now.
you would think if ACA was as bad as they said "an abomination"  which they need to explain how can giving you and30 million plus affordable care with out the standard ripping off by ins. co.'s an abomination, lets see you make a decision as to that being even close to the truth.
Americans should be proud to have a president that's looking out for us and not insurance and big Pharma