Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Senators Reach Agreement to Avert Fight Over Filibuster


WASHINGTON — Senate leaders reached a deal on Tuesday morning to preserve the filibuster in exchange for Senate confirmation of President Obama’s long-sought first director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as well as other stalled nominees.
now that's a biggee but is it same as consumer regulatory bureau?
The Senate then voted 71-to-29 to begin debate on the nomination of Richard Cordray, the acting director of the consumer bureau, which could last for up to eight hours before a final vote in which he would need only 51 supporters for approval.
Under the deal, struck during late night talks mainly between Senators Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, and John McCain, Republican of Arizona, the Senate allowed a vote on the nomination of Mr. Cordray, but put aside two nominees for the National Labor Relations Board who the president appointed during a Senate recess, Richard Griffin and Sharon Block. But organized labor would be allowed to recommend their replacement nominees, who would be confirmed before the end of the month.
c'mon man this is grade school playground games because he selected while they were on one of their many "BREAKS", they won't let those stand but will ok replacements that is kid stuff they had there feelings hurt and this is suppose to make them feel better?
The other contested nominees would all be allowed to proceed. They are the current N.L.R.B. chairman, Mark Gaston Pearce; Mr. Obama's choice for secretary of labor, Thomas E. Perez; his selection for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy; and the president of the Export-Import Bank, Fred P. Hochberg.
this just shows that the rejection was really unfounded if they can deal and let them stay must not have been much of a reason other than obstruction.  this is the mentality that keeps us where we are, Pres. on his own has gotten us this far all we have accomplished was totally devoid of republican participation, and yet the base still votes for them, where's your jobs republicans, the ones promised in turn for your election 2010 till now not long enough?