Saturday, July 20, 2013

New Accusations Against Zimmerman Jurors As Sheriffs Office Admits It Allowed Unsupervised Access -

The image of a murder trial jury often times gives the image from 12 Angry Men, a group holed up, cut off from contact from the outside world, with the weight of life or death hanging over their heads as they decide the fate of the person on trial. However, in the case of the Zimmerman trial, the revelations are of steak dinners, fancy pedicures and trips to local museums, all on the taxpayer dime. The decision to pamper the jury was undertaken for a myriad of reasons. As one Florida attorney, Randy Reep, pointed out:
These women of course are not criminals, yet we took them from their families. While we did not say this then, now it is clear, half of the country is going to very vocally find fault with your dedicated effort. A Bloomin Onion at Outback would not adequately reimburse these women for the bitterness [some will level at them for their jury service.]

Capt.Cave.Mancommented 2 days ago

I don't recall you complaining when the OJ jury went to the movies..
from a person on NV to me about previous post abot this jury, my response, "are you still wanting to compare OJ jury with this one?   
White women must feel so protected from Trayvon like innocents to sequestration laws.
must have forgotten the war on them postponed to continue the war on Blacks, kids particularly".
In a statement by the Sheriff’s office, this was elaborated upon:
Jurors watched television and movies, exercised at the hotel fitness center, and spent weekends being visited by family and friends.
Hold on a second. The Sheriff’s office did not take them away from their families, they had access to them over the weekend! However, they were carefully monitored to prevent jury tampering at least, right? To verify this statement, AI’s own Dr. Mark Bear contacted them, telling us:
Just verified with Heather Smith, from the Seminole Country Sheriff’s Office at 407-474-6259. She states, “Generally speaking, jurors serving on the Zimmerman trial were afforded two hours of visiting privileges with family of friends each weekend.” I asked what she meant by generally speaking,” and she states, “there were more opportunities afforded jurors but not all took advantage.”
So, these visits were unsupervised. WFTV has dug into these visits, and what they found calls into question the verdict. As WFTV’s legal analyst, Bill Sheaffer, points out:
It only takes two seconds for an inappropriate comment to be made to a juror by a family member inadvertently or otherwise to possibly affect the verdict, how they look at the case.
And, it turns out, there is evidence to find that jury tampering did happen, as Juror B37 discussed in her aborted book deal:
The potential book was always intended to be a respectful observation of the trial from my and my husband’s perspectives…
Her husband holding a perspective strong enough to write a book on the subject, given unsupervised access during the trial to his wife on the jury. Juror B37 has also admitted that the decision was reached with information not presented at the trial itself.
anyone know Holders email address?  reminds me of the guy they had to dig up prove he didn't shoot himself in the back 8 times with a 7 shot lever action 30-30 after jury acquittal. or the guy they pulled out of the river wrapped in chains, and the sheriff say" just like them stealing more than they ca carry".
calm down just a joke from my past.  but the sentiment permeates this entire, trial?