Saturday, July 20, 2013

IRS watchdog to investigate Christine 'Donnell claim

Article Photoand start the electronic counter the right wing is about to waste more of the money thatwuld feed the children to see if loser wingnut was singled out by IRS.
if this person was a victim of intimidation don't you think she would know being the one victimized?  she needs to wear a mask while stirring the couldron the fumes are kickin' in big time.
The IRS watchdog that uncovered the tea party-targeting scandal is looking into whether Christine O’Donnell was unfairly scrutinized by the IRS during her failed 2010 Senate bid, according to a Republican aide.
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration will “soon” interview O’Donnell, according to an aide in Sen. Chuck Grassley’s office. “They have something scheduled,” the aide said.
O’Donnell is best known for her tea party-backed run for the Senate in 2010, when she assured Delaware voters in a television ad that she “is not a witch.” She lost to Democrat Chris Coons by a wide margin.
The inspector general office declined to comment on Friday.
O’Donnell approached Grassley’s staff a few weeks ago for help finding out if she was a victim of political intimidation. She ran for office in the same time period that tea party groups were found to have been singled out by the IRS.
does she think that was why she lost, it wasn't it was the denial of her being a witch which i agree with or she is just the worst spell caster since aunt Lara on Bewitched tv show.
In January, O’Donnell alleges she received a phone call from a TIGTA investigator notifying her that her personal federal tax information might have been breached unlawfully by a Delaware state employee. The IG’s office interviewed O’Donnell, showing her the name and photo of the perpetrator, asking if she knew the person, according to Grassley’s office
is she running again if so kinda dumb to bring back the reason why not to vote for her as a defensive move, but that is a right wing insanity ploy.