Monday, July 29, 2013

Republicans Recycle 20 Year Old Talking Points In Dishonest Attacks On Obamacare

Republicans have been becoming increeasingly more panicked as the date for full implemntation of the Affordable Care Act approaches, offering more and more warnings of the calamity to come. Here is just a sampling of statements on the topic from various Republican
“America’s business owners are a resilient bunch, but let there by no doubt, [this law] will be the demise of some. And as that occurs, the light of freedom will grow dimmer.”
“There is nothing pro-family about putting people out of work–but that is exactly what this bill does. Estimates are that tens of thousands of working men and women will be put out of work….there is nothing democratic about Congress playing Big Brother and mandating one set of benefits over another.”
“It has the effect of making it more expensive for them to do business. More expensive per employee, more expensive per job. The business can only defend itself by offering fewer jobs. That’s the only way they can pay for it. It is a job killer….It makes it more expensive to hire people, so businesses say we won’t hire people.”
“Government mandates…do not contribute to economic recovery and growth. Resources spent to comply with Federal mandates cannot be spent to create jobs. These mandatory costs on business are not good for the economy as a whole. Employers must be free of the same kind of rigidities that have plagued the economies of many nations in Europe.”
From reading comments like these, it sounds like Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen as soon as all its requirements come into force. Except that the four comments above weren’t about Obamacare – they were all made in the early 90′s and the legislation to which they refer is the “Family and Medical Leave Act.”
you've heard the republicans have no plan for anything especially those things the Pres. has hatched and they've spent almost 5 years trying to convince us that they and he are the worse thing since, the great flood.  well now this is their plan pull it out the basement or attic dust it off and copy paste, no one will know or remember.
This past February marked the 20th anniversary of the FMLA. As we all know, the law did not create the jobs crisis that Republicans forecast. 
In fact, U.S. unemployment declined from 7.1 percent in February 1993, the month the bill was signed into law by President Clinton, to 4.2 percent in January 2001, the month Clinton left office. Of course, there were other factors at work in those unemployment numbers, but the fact remains that the FMLA did not cause the huge loss of jobs that Republicans predicted.
you know can you think of anything they have said during both terms of Pres. that was found to be true? we know their campaign 2012 was filled with so many lies it would crash the Ripley's computer 
Writing for Real Clear Politics this past February, Joe Conason also observed that the FMLA did not create compliance problems for most businesses. Conason referred to a Department Of Labor study, conducted by Abt Associates, that found:
…most employers have not found compliance particularly burdensome. Only 1 percent of the covered worksites told Abt that they had “great difficulty” in administering leave and 14 percent reported “some difficulty.” Fewer than 10 percent of worksites reported any negative effects on productivity, morale, absenteeism, turnover or “business profitability.”
Republicans had six years, from January 2001 to January 2007, during which they controlled all of the machinery of the federal government. Over that period of time, they could have repealed the FMLA any time they wanted to, but they didn’t, because it works. 
By the year 2001, tens of thousands of Americans had been able to take time off from work to care for a new child or a sick loved one, and the GOP, which understands politics better than it understands anything else on earth, knew that to attempt to repeal it would be political suicide, at least for the immediate future.
This is exactly their current fear over Obamacare – that it will work, that it will become as popular with the public as the FMLA, Medicare, Social Security, or any of dozens of programs that Americans love and Republicans hate, and that they will wind up looking like the grandstanding fools that they are.
fools is to kind manipulating disingenuous lying anti American vote blocking gerrymandering SOB's. there that fit a little better, and it works for me.  you really have to be looking at a better deal than 20 year old lies that they thought would be better than their current ones, did they forget they didn't work then nah when they blew the dust off they would have remembered but they banked on us not remembering, and all the usual suspects are still alive to pull the sheet off, party of stupid "ya betcha".