Thursday, July 25, 2013

Immigration Reform 2013: This Marijuana Comment Is Why Latinos Think the GOP Is Racist

Article PhotoThe GOP doesn't actually want to improve its party's image. Although endless editorials have been written about the need for immigration reform to improve the GOP's electoral prospects amongst Latinos, the majority of Republican politicians have sneered at the effort. Rep. Steve King's (R-Iowa) remarks about immigrants smuggling drugs is only the latest in a long string of attacks that confirm the party's insular outlook.
Hispanics can see the through the republican claims that within minutes now someone will pop up and say something that shows their real colors, they went through all the alleged soul ah head searching to find themselves and all they found was they couldn't find the self they wanted to deceive us into believing because the selves that they are keep whack a moling their news cycles.
In the same way that Todd Akin’s statement on abortion cemented Republicans as anti-women, these outbursts on immigration only further paint the GOP as close-minded and racist. Nor is this rhetoric new. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-S.C.) compared undocumented immigrants to vagrants and animals, and Rep. Moe Brooks (R-Ala.) argued that the government should evict all undocumented immigrants as a means of job creation. Although Republican leaders may denounce such comments occasionally, it is difficult for Latinos to accept any movement on immigration reform as a genuine reflection of the party's ideals.
and they deny us education to this day but somehow they are the party of stupid.