Sunday, July 14, 2013

GOP presses for quick confirmation of Obama UN ambassador pick

President Obama's pick to be ambassador to the United Nations could be confirmed before the August recess after winning over key lawmakers ahead of her confirmation hearing next week.
Several Republicans told The Hill they hope Samantha Power will be in place by the time the UN General Assembly opens on Sept. 17. Her confirmation is all but assured after a campaign by a handful of conservatives to raise concerns about her past statements on Israel and U.S. power failed to gain traction.
are they realizing how they look to the world let alone "we the people" these little expensive stop gap motions by the right to approve cabinet picks and have them ok'd was not a problem until Nov. 2008.  
not a problem no matter who held the big chair, until Barack Hussein Obama the first Black Pres. then that change he talked about started happening don't know if in the back of his mind he included this kind of change, but none the less he has changed the way Washington works.
 the republican side works it's own agenda the progressives try to get to our work but the supervisors are hard asses and will not give anything they say to him but c'mom it's really us by default. when you think you have a good word to say about the right wing, ask yourself "REALLY"?
"I think she's very well qualified and certainly will support her nomination," Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told The Hill. "I urge some speed."
Power has been making the rounds with McCain and other members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee ahead of the panel's hearing on Wednesday. She would replace Susan Rice, who took over as Obama's national security adviser on July 1.
I guess the old guard republicans realize the harm the "young guns" are doing not only to the country but their party.  constant rejection has left many cabinet positions vacant for months how can they work with no leader,
the republicans have showed us how well that works, they have made us a laughing stock of a picture of "Democracy" and the sad part is they don't care because they continue to promote their wreck it Ralph agenda,  if they do win in 2016 they won't be able to clean up their own mess they oppose to may things that would bring about that recovery.
wish there were a computer program available to the public where we can project their impact the last 4 1/2 years and the next 31/2 and how they would be so far underwater the country that is we would be the new Atlantis.
this changes nothing they are still the party of obstruction and denial.