Thursday, July 18, 2013

Global attitudes reflect shifting U.S.-China power balance, survey concludes

BEIJING — People around the globe believe that China will inevitably replace the United States as the world’s leading superpower, but that doesn’t mean they like the prospect, according to a new study on global attitudes.
The survey that the Pew Research Center conducted in 39 countries confirms much of the conventional wisdom in Washington about the shifting balance of power between the United States and China.
Mutual tensions are rising, with Americans’ favorable opinions of China dropping from 51 percent two years ago to 37 percent now and a similar drop among Chinese — from 58 percent to 40 percent — with respect to the United States.
China’s economic might is perceived as rising and the United States’ as declining, and although many countries still see the United States as the top economic power, many believe that it is only a matter of time before China supplants it.
i'll wait calmly for the lambasting, but we are in decline because of the right wing trying for going on 5 years to defeat the Pres.'s legacy since the 4 years of trying to defeat him have failed they are obsessed with taking him down and you nor their families mean squat in order of importance.
every jobs program, every trade agreement, voter blocking keeps those that are willing to do something out of office so they can do nothing, makes sense huh?
Despite the shifting attitudes, however, the United States generally enjoys a better image abroad. On the question of which country they view as a partner, more nations had a majority naming the United States rather than China.
this i believe is do to the Pres. repairing the angst build by Bush and others who beat their chest in the morning and grunt.  
had they won 2012 we really would be in the barrel and as Bush said erroneously "they hate us for our freedoms", they define freedoms as the ability to pollute and shortcut their way to prosperity while you and whither on the vine.  if they hated us for freedom they would be cheering on the republican regime and paling around with them.
image means squat if you don't have it in reality. recognize  thats writing checks your butt can't cash.
China was widely admired by respondents — especially in Africa and Latin America — for its scientific and technological advances, according to the survey, but Chinese ideas and popular culture were less well-received. The positive views of China in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa reflect heavy Chinese investment in those regions in recent decades.
our politicians on the right claim they don't believe in science and that atitude keeps us in the global closet of darkness while those who see pass oil and coal are the ones we read about as taking over the mantel of number one.
they started trying to sink Pres. and for all their efforts we lost our credit rating, millions without jobs they promised 2010,  threatening to repeal a law to allow us healthcare, rich are still tax free while we are step ladder for the rich to get even more, they've bloodied their own noses and created hard feelings abroad, refused gun regulations and more innocents get killed in the name of an auto rifle that could cut a car in half and last but not least they have lied and misled "we the people" from the beginning that is for sport.
in short they have ruined America and will ruin it until those who oppose reconize who they have chosen is what America doesn't need, got time to think about it till Nov. 4th 2014.