Friday, July 12, 2013

Fox News Host Smacks Toddler In The Face With A Basketball, Blames The Child

more of right wing "man's inhumanity to man ala Fox style"
Article PhotoFox News hosts are usually all for taking responsibility for their own actions; at least that’s what they expect everyone else to do. But when you decide to blame a child for getting hurt because of your own stupid action, you’ve stooped pretty low by even your own pathetic standards.
On Thursday morning on “Fox & Friends,” host Brian Kilmeade caused a child to cry after hitting the poor boy in the face with a basketball. Titus is a two-year-old YouTube sensation because of his trick shot prowess with a basketball. 
So Fox invited the tot to demonstrate his hoops ability on live television. Brian Kilmeade decided to get in on the act and made a bad pass to Titus. 
The ball unfortunately smacked the adorable youngster on the nose, causing him to burst into tears. It was clearly an accident, but it’s what Kilmeade did next that’s making the whole situation worse than it should have been.
that's the good 'ol republican way do it then ruin it by explanation, they have a considerable track record ion that play all losers.
Kilmeade could have just apologized and left it at that, or he could have at least looked like he felt bad about the whole thing. Instead he says “sorry” and then makes himself look like a disingenuous ass for implying it was the fault of the two-year-old for not paying attention.
Well, Kilmeade is a grown man. The accident was his responsibility. Just man up, take responsibility, and don’t be a jerk about it later. Is it really that hard? It’s Fox News so I guess it is.
now he will walk around feeling like he fell in a hole, with everyone looking down on him or the right wing audacity of arrogance kicks in and he carrys it like" just a kid F 'em he'll get over it"
i knbow this is wrong but i can't resist, poicture it 18 years in the future, a hole walking down the street a 20 year old walks pass him but not before saying "i don't have a ball but will this 9mm help you remember? then proceed to end his day.  poetiv or what?