Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Five Things Everyone Should Know About Senate Candidate Liz Cheney

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Liz Cheney, a former George W. Bush administration state department official and daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney,announced Tuesday that she will mount a primary challenge to Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY), a third-term Senator who ranked as the eighth most conservative member of the Senate in 2012. Enzi, told of this news, expressed shock, claiming Cheney had previously said that if he ran she wouldn’t. “But obviously that wasn’t correct,” he lamented, “I thought we were friends.”
hey dirty deceitful tactics run in that family no surprise to me and as one who kows her shouldn,'t have been to him either.
1. Defended waterboarding. In a 2009 interview, Cheney defended the infamous">Bush-era torture memos, arguing that the brutal techniques, such as waterboarding, that were authorized by the memos are not torture. Cheney invoked the false argument that the techniques were not torture because they were derived from special forces training called Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Evasion (SERE) — an argument debunked by the Bush Department of Justice’s own memos.
3. Suggested freedom of religion should not apply to Muslims. In 2010, Cheneystoked the Islamaphobic controversy over the building of a Mosque and Muslim community center in midtown Manhattan. First, Cheney made an unsubstantiated attack on the Imam leading the project, saying, “When you’ve got an Imam that has got the very questionable and dubious ties to radical Islamist organizations that this man does, saying he’s going to build a mosque at Ground Zero, I think we as Americans have every right to say, ‘No you’re not going to do that.’” Her group offered no evidence to support the claim and the FBI had praised his cooperation after 9/11. 
Then, when pushed as to whether she’d oppose the project even without the Imam’s alleged terror connections, Cheney still wouldn’t concede, responding, “It would depend.”
she sure has the right wing bona fides to win she is only dishtinquishable from her father is he speaks in a more subdued voice where she is arrogantly loud and puppets his ideology, Ms. Darth Vader jr. spawn of the wicked one, still close to the tree.
President Obama has launched a war on our Second Amendment rights. He’s launched a war on our religious freedom. He’s used the IRS to launch a war on our freedom of speech. And he’s used the EPA to launch a war on Wyoming’s ranchers, our farmers, and our energy industry. He’s working to nationalize one-sixth of our economy with job-killing Obamacare. He has so effectively diminished our strength abroad that there’s no longer a question about whether this was his intent. He’s working to preemptively disarm America while rogue states like North Korea and Iran build nuclear weapons capabilities and stockpiles.
given it's been almost 5 years and no one has come after anybody's gun you would think their base has caught on, but she evidently thinks promoting the same lies will get her the big check.  gretting rid of the agencies that protect us from them.
can't leave out the albatros around their necks ObamaCares, will she add 37 more failed attempts to the already 37 failed attempts to repeal ObamaCares?  no longer his law it's now the SCOTUS'S law.  are they confused about who they are fighting?