Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fire Breaks Out On Evacuated Gulf Gas Well

Federal officials say fire has broken out on an out-of-control natural gas well in the Gulf of Mexico well just hours after it was evacuated on Tuesday.
"Natural gas continued to leak from the well Tuesday afternoon, creating a cloud around the rig and film on the water, but it was dissipating quickly, according to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.
Walter Oil & Gas Corp., the owner of the well, cited a problem with safety gear known as a blowout preventer, but later said it is still investigating the incident and wouldn't know the cause of the blowout, or why the well continues to flow, for some time.
A blowout preventer is a set of valves that are meant to close down a well in an emergency to stop the flow of oil and gas; in this case, the equipment was located on board the rig.
The failure of a blowout preventer far below the sea was implicated in the 2010 Deepwater Horizon explosion, which killed 11 workers and led to the biggest offshore oil spill in U.S. history.
Tuesday's incident came after workers lost control of another well earlier this month in the shallow waters of the Gulf, where workers were in the process of plugging an aging well owned by Talos Energy LLC. That well leaked a small amount of gas and light condensate before it was plugged."
this is the future of fossil fuel recovery if you allow the republicans in the WH again their disregard for human and animal life is unforgivable, if they kill us off what will they eat and who will they lord over? ans. nobody they will be in the same mass grave they are trying to put us in.  hope i have enough life left to kick the crap out of at least one.
From the Associated Press:
"No injuries were reported as a result of the fire, Eileen Angelico, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, told The Associated Press.
She said it wasn't known what caused the gas to ignite. It also wasn't clear early Wednesday how and when crews would attempt to extinguish the blaze. BSEE said earlier Tuesday that a firefighting vessel with water and foam capabilities had been dispatched to the scene.
Wild Well Control Inc. was hired to try to bring the well under control. Angelico said Wild Well personnel approached the well earlier Tuesday night, before the fire, but they determined it was unsafe to get closer when they were about 200 feet away from it."
Officials have stressed that Tuesday's blowout wouldn't be nearly as damaging as the BP oil spill of 2010, although natural gas released into open water can have hazardous consequences.
they don't know what happen but they are out there all day everyday not knowing WTF they are doing.  this is the bi product of deregulation, just what they are fighting for death for fossil fuel. all the money they spend cleaning up and reparations would probably exceed that needed to develop green energy but their money is in the oil and gas and coal and all that crap will kill you dead if not regulated.