Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Even If George Zimmerman Is Found Not Guilty Of Murder And Manslaughter, He Could Still Serve 25 Years

Article PhotoTo many people, there is no middle ground:George Zimmerman will either be convicted of Second Degree Murder or he will be found Not Guilty.
But the reality is much more complex, because the jury will have a number of Lesser Included Offenses to choose from.
And because of these numerous options, it is not uncommon for a jury to exercise what is known as their “pardon” or “nullification” power and return a compromise verdict that they believe is just under the circumstances. See generally Haygood v. State, 109 So. 3d 735 (Fla. 2013).
i am pleased to hear that there can still be justice and not "just us".  listening to the testimony i must admit i'm tenuous at best for a verdict i believe to be guilty.
he initiated the cat and mouse he uttered things indicative of those with radical ideas, he defied the dispatch request to not follow after he had already started the hunt.  
no bush to jump from behind, i heard early before trial his saying "he's approaching the truck , he's got his hand in his waist, oh yeah he's lookin for trouble" that sounds like glee a hunter would express at his prey heading for the trap.
there is a lot of legal jargon and would only discourage and confuse you can read in the article.  i think the defense has pre-trial and during muddied the public impression of Trayvon and apparently sanctioned Zimmerman's acts, when it's clear out of his own mouth he was in hunt mode, stereotype's abound throughout his testimony and the defense's examination and cross.
all his character witnesses were syrupy sweet ignoring the rhetoric he used and the fact that he exosed a prejudice toward Blacks and he started something born of his prejudice's and desire to combat that which was only in his mind.