Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A lot on the line in 'Obama phone' fight


Article PhotoTracFone, a prepaid service provider led by one of the world’s richest men, longs to cut the “Obama phone” line of attacks to save a program for the poor — and its bottom line.
The company, controlled by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, has launched a lobbying ground war to promote the controversial phone subsidy initiative known as Lifeline. And in the wake of congressional blasts, the program’s largest participant has found backhanded support from an unlikely coalition of rights groups and industry advocates pushing for the same goal: to spare it.
Lifeline grew out of the 1980s Bell System breakup to ensure low-income households had access to landlines. But the program earned the false label “Obama phone” in 2012 when critics accused the White House of handing out cellphones.
The name stuck.
of course it did it was hijacked and converted to misinformation to again make those who have no money anyway and would benefit from the plan getting up set because they see it as Pres. giving cell phones to other Blacks for their vote more voter destruction to win 2012 by deception.
“We had enough,” said Jose Fuentes, a spokesman for Miami-based TracFone who registered as a federal lobbyist this spring. “A lot of this misinformation was generated by Washington lawmakers themselves. And a few members have picked up on this issue and made it a political one to score points back in their districts.”
TracFone, which receives federal funds for its involvement, notes that Lifeline started nearly three decades ago under President Ronald Reagan and expanded to wireless service under former President George W. Bush. But the Obama narrative has persisted, thanks to a legacy of misuse by both telecom carriers and customers.
but true to their nature and record they blame and label the Black Pres. for their sometimes hero Reagan's baby, damn he compromised and supported Hipanics and raised taxes, will we ever hear his name again?