Sunday, June 23, 2013

You Can Be Fired For Being A Victim of Domestic Violence In All But Six States

Article PhotoLast week, Carie Charlesworth, a teacher in California and a victim of domestic violence, was fired from her job because her abusive husband invaded the school parking lot and put the school on lockdown. While her abuser was sent to prison, she was also punished for his crime by losing her employment.
The school’s action -– firing her because she is a victim of domestic abuse –- is sadly legal in most states. Just six, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Oregon, and Rhode Island,have laws on the books that bar employment discrimination against victims of domestic abuse or sexual assault, according to an up-to-date document tracking these laws from Legal Momentum. State Senators in California introduced a non-discrimination bill in February, which has been referred to committee.
looks like the country has reverted back to where the T-P wanted to go punishing women 2 3 times for a mans crimes against them what about VAWA GUESS THATS WHAT THEY SAY TOO "WHAT ABOUT IT?"
Illinois and Hawaii, as well as New York City and Westchester County, go further to mandate that employers offer victims reasonable accommodations so that they can stay at work: “things like allowing you to change your work telephone number or changing a shift so someone can’t stalk you and find you,” Michelle Caiola, a senior staff attorney at Legal Momentum, told ThinkProgress. Fourteen states protect victims who need to take time off of work to go to counseling, court, or seek medical attention due to their abuse.
For their part, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has found that only about 15 percent of employershave a workplace policy that specifically addresses domestic violence.
is the workplace becoming the least friendly and most dangerous for women, republican legislators, will not allow equal pay, contraception, VAWA, and you gotta go if you are a victim?
i would like to have been there when that issue hit the table to see the reaction of the women of republican party, that is if they were allowed in there after all it was about them and from past committee meetings we found out that the White republican man is better suited to handle female problems.