Monday, June 24, 2013

New Study: Right Wing 'Morality' Is Divorced From The Real World Suffering It Causes -

Article PhotoSome of us have been saying this for years (we’ll try not to be too smug), and now a study bears us out: conservatives are unlikely to follow their policies through to their real-world consequences. Research by Jared Piazza of the University of Pennsylvania and Paulo Sousa of Queen’s University Belfast, published in the June issue of Social Psychological and Personality Science, demonstrates that moral judgements regarding consequences differ wildly between conservative/religious persons and liberals.
The study included 688 participants whose moral positions on killing, assisted suicide, torture, incest, cannibalism, malicious gossip, stealing, lying, deception, betrayal, breaking a promise, breaking the law, and treason were gauged. The outcome? Conservative and religious individuals showed a “general insensitivity to consequences.” These participants consistently tended towards deontological ethics – which means they judged morality according to universal rules or divine authority. Liberals in the study promoted consequentialist ethics – they judged the morality of action based on the outcome. Sounds a bit like Rand’s objectivism vs. Bentham’s utilitarianism, doesn’t it?
notice they make a distinction between conservatives and religious persons the liberal distinction is well documented.  the right wing has this self proclaimed connection with "THEIR GOD", which also has a absolute distinction with the God of the Bible, who does not hate, persecute, starve, murder, and is tolerant of the fellow human beings.
While Piazza says that they can’t be certain whether being religious/conservative creates the rule-based ethics or if following rule-based ethics makes one become conservative/religious. The thing the study can state with conviction is that the two are related: being conservative or religious goes hand-in-hand with non-consequentialist ethics. Even further:
“I think it is more likely that being religious — and being religious in a particular way — is what promotes deontological commitments, and not the other way around. In a recent unpublished study I conducted with my colleague Justin Landy at Penn, we found that it is a particular sub-class of religious individuals that are strongly opposed to consequentialist thinking. Specifically, it was religious individuals who believe that morality is founded upon divine authority or divine commands, and that moral truths are not obtained via human intuition or reason, who were strong deontologists (i.e., they refused to find various rule violations as permissible even when the consequences were better as a result). This suggests that not all religious individuals are non-consequentialists; that is, religion does not necessarily promote a deontological ethic, though many religious institutions do promote such an orientation. Instead, it may be that people who are skeptical about the capacity for human beings to know right from wrong in the absence of divine revelation that tend towards a rule-based morality.”
why do we find derogatorily demeaning labels to stick on one another, is it just to identify or is it a feel good about yourself, because you can categorize others as beneath you?
One interesting exception to the rule concerned torture. American conservatives are "full-blown consequentialists" when it comes to torture, while religious persons are not. Piazza believes that this may be due to their conception of torture as, 1) punishment and 2) a military act. Conservatives see torture as a retribution and punishment for the criminal and that their torture, as long as it leads to the greater good, is justified. Religious individuals and liberals took the opposite view, that torture was, in itself, unacceptable.
 whether you believe this or not it speaks in the wake of the religious right, the moral majority and ll the other ingratiating names they bestow on themselves are still hate, bigot, and apathetic persons, need proof read a magazine or paper or look at medias other then those that will deny what you have seen your politicians and their party bring to bare on woman, children and you, deny, defy it's still a lie.