Sunday, June 9, 2013

Supreme Court Rulings This June: Everything You Need to Know

Article PhotoFor the first time in a decade, the Supreme Court will take up affirmative action in public universities. 
At the center of the case is Abigail Fisher, a white woman who was denied admission to the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. She sued the school, with the help of conservative activist Edward Blum, claiming that the university had violated the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment by considering race in Fisher’s application. 
The university says that in the interest of fostering a diverse student body, it should be free to look at race as one factor in a “holistic” admissions process, citing the Supreme Court’s 2003 ruling. 
The school also says that even had Fisher not been white, she still wouldn’t have gotten in.
is this a test case after years of imposing these same things on so called minorities now that it's on the other foot are they claiming equality, if so i think they are right but if they say she wouldn't have made it anyway, what the fuss is it just that she's White it's Texas and she feels entitled?
Amy Howe, editor of SCOTUSblog, points out that justices have taken nine months to hand down a ruling, indicating they might be having trouble coming to a decision.
“There is a real chance, in fact, that no one opinion will command a majority of five votes, with the Justices divided essentially into three separate camps,” she writes. In that case, “a strong conservative faction that would all but ban affirmative action, a liberal wing that would freely permit it, and the court’s center, led by Justice Kennedy,
voting to limit programs like Texas’ but not forbid them outright. If that is how the case turns out, then under the court’s procedures Kennedy’s position becomes the law.”
this will be interesting i think it will give us a closer look at the SCOTUS which has surprised us a few times lately like they are actually doing their job for the people and not as expected for right wing agendas, we can only pray for what is best who determins that i don't know one's best is another one's worst.  the benefit of the many should rule but that can also be a negative if applied the other way.