Friday, June 14, 2013

Shifting Demographics: Census Shows Asians Fastest Growing Group, Whites Soon The Minority

Article PhotoThe election of Barack Obama was a seminal event for a myriad of reasons, but one must surely be the alarms it set off in the white supremacy movement. Since the day slaves were emancipated on June 19, 1865, white men and women who perceived that actuality as the harbinger of doom have been caterwauling about the inexorable decline of white power since. The Southern Poverty Law Center, which makes part of its mission statement the recording and categorizing of hate groups, counted up to 1,007 active hate groups in the country in 2012, many of them specifically white nationalist organizations, of which there are reportedly 62, per a May 11, 2013 Wikipedia accounting. In other words, the issue of pushing “whiteness” is big business, so the latest news from the Census Bureau is going to be a death knell of sorts to this crowd.
Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that heralds profound demographic change.
wonder if their arrogance will allow them to really rehab themselves and realize they in their fervor have alienated every other race on earth, i have to admit i have not heard much about Asians makes me wonder if they know where the right wing skeletons are buried.
there is a saying can't find about prejudice "if they are coming after Blacks and Hispanics who's next, you?  that is a paraphrase.  hate is a voracious entity it needs continuous feeding when they run out of prey they turn on themselves.
In other words, whites are dying out at a rate that exceeds their number of births. For the above-mentioned groups, this is Armageddon; for everyone else, exactly what does it mean?
At the moment, not much. The disparity noted by the Census Bureau was miniscule, only about 12,000. But it’s a trend that is growing and statistically irreversible: the decrease of white births, on top of the fact that the majority of births are in the Hispanic, Asian and black populations, means white Americans will be a minority within about 30 years, with the overall number of non-Hispanic whites declining by the end of this decade. Which surprised a few people:
The disparity between deaths and births in the year that ended last July surprised experts. They expected that the aging white population would eventually shrink, as it has done in many European countries, but not for another decade or so.
Nationally, said Kenneth M. Johnson, the senior demographer at the Carsey Institute, a research center based at the University of New Hampshire, “the onset of natural decrease between 2011 and 2012 was not anticipated.” He attributed the precipitous shift in part to the recession, adding that “the growing number of older non-Hispanic whites, which will accelerate rapidly as the baby boom ages, guarantees that non-Hispanic white natural decrease will be a significant part of the nation’s demographic future.” [Source]
For younger generation Americans, for whom mixed race relationships and ethnic integration are simply a way of life, this offers no particular concern. For older Americans, even those who do not necessarily identify themselves as separatists or white supremacists, the shift is uncomfortable, even enraging, a clear marker of changing demographics and a shift in the power structure.
In fact, it means the ethnic and racial mix of coming generations will no longer depend on older whites for the stability and expansion of the economy in which they live. Culturally, the country will instead be looking at younger minorities, mixed race Americans and immigrants for the growth and advancement of the economy, a significant change that will only continue to evolve.
the next generations will not be concentrated on by right wing bigotry for them it ain't that kinda party.
G W Bush's gaffe will no longer be and issue except in the minds of those who are concentrated on, " you can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on", change gonna come recognize