Saturday, June 8, 2013

Has the GOP Lost Latinos on Immigration?

Evelyn Rivera, 24, won't be able to cast a ballot in 2016, but she's watching carefully as the debate on immigration reform unfolds on Capitol Hill.
Article PhotoRivera, who is an immigration reform advocate at United We Dream, is one of the 11 million immigrants who entered the country illegally. She was just 3 years old when her parents brought her to the U.S. from Colombia on a tourist visa. Her mother has since been deported, and today she is considered a DREAMer, someone who has been accepted for a deferred action program that allows immigrants who entered the country illegally as kids a chance to stay in the U.S.
Someday, Rivera says, she will be able to cast her first ballot and her decision of whether to check the box for the Republicans or Democrats will be largely affected by which party advocates for her rights in the immigration debate today.
"If immigration reform doesn't happen, we will remember that at the ballot," Rivera says. "Even if I can't vote, I have family. I have friends who will cast their ballots on my behalf."
i'm really at a lost to understand this latest stupid move by the right wing, you would think they would be up front and center on immigration, they know they need the Hispanic vote yet their Hispanic heritage poster boys are dumping the load, and these are Tea Party guys whom i thought were for it and traditional republicans were against in order to take away the T-P majority in 2014, hmmm gotta kick the tires a couple more times.
This week a Latino Decisions poll showed 80 percent of Latino voters are closely monitoring how the debate unfolds and keeping a close eye on the GOP's effect on the debate. Forty-five percent of those polled say they would be more likely to vote for Republicans if the party showed its commitment to passing a comprehensive reform package that includes a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants who entered the country illegally.
not being facetious but falling for half a lie is falling for all of it. watching to see if they pass a reform package?  the 13 year wait and fines not a clue, or was i giving to much credit to their leaders in interpreting the pros and cons of republican voting, promise today don't see it tomorrow on till infinity, they are scorpions you are frogs it's in their nature to sting you, were you not paying attention the last 4 1/2 years?