Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 potential 'border surge' pitfalls

The “border surge” plan unveiled on Capitol Hill this week was hailed as a kind of miracle cure for the political ills plaguing the immigration bill the Gang of Eight and President Barack Obama have been tinkering with for months.
The amendment from Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and John Hoeven (R-N.D.) does appear to be a kind of political panacea for the broader legislation — at least in the Senate.
But there’s no quick fix for the complex security challenges along the U.S. border. And it’s far less clear that this proposal — to expand the current border fence to 700 miles, add nearly 20,000 new Border Patrol agents, and spend billions on high-tech equipment — can actually work. Indeed, the effort is so vast and so ambitious that some doubt it will ever be carried out.
you would think those claiming that budget hawk status would at least research the plan before jumping out there with it than again that is the republican way, "speak first, wait for the rebuttal deny and let the other side iron the bugs out", 
so far they've done nothing that remotely shows they were actually doing the job, hell anybody can come up with a superficial plan off the top of their heads but they almost always suffer from failure to launch.
1. It’s so darn expensive
Costing more than $40 billion over 10 years, the “border surge” and fencing proposal is so expensive that it was virtually unthinkable just a week or two ago — until an unexpectedly generous scoring of the broader immigration bill by the Congressional Budget Office left the bill’s backers with a pot of cash (at least in budgeting terms) that could be used to sweeten the deal and get more Republicans on board.
But the proposed expenditures on security are so massive, and go so far beyond what has ever taken place before, that future Congresses scraping for money for other programs or to reduce the deficit are likely to find the promises being made now tough to keep in future budgets.
every since they found their one stop fix all plan "surge" btw it only works when Bush did it not the Pres. but he got everything the Bush surge was suppose to do done, but he's a Kenyan Muslim so no cigar.  
spending money they want to is never a problem in fact they spend every cent the US spends and tell us "the Pres. is spending like a drunken sailor", to which i take umbrage i've been a drunken sailor and was not spend crazy, even if Pres. was they still had to approve it so "THE BUCK STOPS THERE IN THEIR HOUSE", not the WH.