Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who were the 4 U.S. citizens killed in drone strikes?

Article Photothose who have read my thoughts know i have respect for those who lose their lives and their survivors, and in the same sentence i'm saying i got nothing for Americans who plan death and destruction for other Americans, that said i don't pray for the souls of those who would end yours like i do for innocents and those fighting the good fight against those who would do us harm.
4 dead by drone strike or those innocents of the Benghazi 4 do not rise to the level of thousands bdead and mourning because of ignoring intel and lying to fake a retaliatory response on the wrong country for reasons not as stated going after those who tried to kill us, there is nothing that is more egregious than all those thousands impacted by right wing indifference and arrogance of their own decisions.
On Wednesday, the Obama administration publicly acknowledged for the first time that four Americans were killed in drone strikes since 2009as part of U.S. counterterrorism activities surrounding al Qaeda . Of the four, only one of them, Anwar al-Awlaki, was targeted, according to Attorney General Eric Holder in a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy. The following are descriptions of the four men killed in drone operations. 
this is a baked up over cooked effort to create division among Americans and our President, stop and think what you know, what you see, what you hear bares no simiarity to what republicans are manufacturing because it's false and created in the heads of those who for the last 4 years have done just this nothing else just this, and you know it's true.
2014 is in your hands as is 2016 what you will do only you and the Good Lord know you will never hold the sole knowledge of your decisions there is always a witness you can't avoid.