Friday, May 24, 2013

Boy Scouts: You Can Be Gay Until You Turn 18

enlighten parents need to take their kids and run as far away from this bigoted org. and sue the BSA for brainwashing and discrimination civil rights.  at 18 do you flip a switch?
Article PhotoToday, on a muggy afternoon in Grapevine, Texas, members of the Boy Scouts of America's National Council voted 61-38 percent to stop discriminating against kids in the program on the basis of sexual orientation, overturning a national ban on gay Scouts that the organization has enforced for decades
The BSA will continue barring gay adults from serving as scoutmasters and volunteers, meaning that teenagers who come out during their time with the program could be booted after they turn 18. The decision is seen as a compromise between church groups that partner with the Scouts and those eager to see the program fully end its discrimination against gays.
they are admitting no danger of kids of lower ages that they have discriminated ahgainst since inception by saying "until yo're 18".  they should be tagged by FBI as a supremist group.
"No youth may be denied membership in the Boy Scouts of America on the basis of sexual orientation or preference alone," states the new resolution, acknowledging that "[y]outh are still developing, learning about themselves and who they are, developing their sense of right and wrong, and understanding their duty to God to live a moral life."
again if this is and was their belief why the exclusion of kids presumed to be Gay?  did they ever catch a kid in the act with another kid, if so think that would have been the icing on that cake.
BS bowing to public pressure, again "we the people have more power than money and those who chose to exclude Americans for their own paranoid fears.