Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Rand Paul, Hardline Gun Group in Dogfight With GOP - Supports group attacking GOP's Eric Cantor, Scott Rigell

all is not well in Mudville
Article Photo– It's a showdown at the GOP corral: CPAC prom king Rand Paul is in a shootout with fellow Republicans Eric Cantor and Scott Rigell after a gun group backed by the Kentucky senator launched about $50,000 worth of attack ads accusing the Virginia reps of "wanting to pass Obama's gun control schemes," reports Politico
Rigell says the National Association for Gun Rights—an organization that considers the NRA too soft—is spreading lies about his position on gun control and has called on Paul to publicly withdraw his support for the group, which uses his name on fundraising material. Cantor and Rigell have A and A- ratings by the NRA, respectively. 
you don't get the A unless you are all in on the agenda of the NRA so who's zoomin' who?
“They are lying about who I am," he said, "and so for a senior Republican to saddle up with a group like that and with the money Rand Paul raises, he is providing the mechanism by which these ads are launched. So he is as responsible as they are for these false attacks.”
 couldn't have said it better or more complete.  if it walks like one and talks like one hangs out with them it's safe to say " HE'S ONE".