Thursday, April 4, 2013

Maryland House passes strict gun-control measure crafted after Newtown massacre
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now this is what i'm talking about, if you are not and have no aspirations to be a criminal what the fuss. this is not Germany or any place but here, if you object to being listed as a gun owner you would be shocked at all the list you are already on that can cost you everything where only one is sure to cost you your life.
The Maryland House of Delegates passed what would be among the nation’s most restrictive gun-control measures Wednesday, voting to ratchet up the state’s already tough rules by requiring fingerprinting of gun buyers, new limits on firearm purchases by the mentally ill, andbans on assault weapons and on magazines that hold more than 10 bullets.
The 78 to 61 vote handed Gov. Martin O’Malley (D) a major policy victory as Maryland joins the ranks of Democratic-leaning states passing broad gun-control restrictions in response to the December school shootings in Connecticut — a state where lawmakers Wednesday also passedtough new gun legislation.
Amid the wave of legislative efforts nationally, Maryland’s is the only package whose new requirements would force gun buyers to provide fingerprints and undergo classroom training, target practice and background checks to obtain a license to buy a firearm.
if you want to own the death and destruction in a community what the fuss if all comply then if there is some sort of incident more likely to be solved if there is a trail to follow.
Maryland would join five states — Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York and New Jersey — in requiring fingerprinting of gun buyers. It also would join seven states and the District in banning a wide array of assault weapons.
6 down 44 to go if you want to speed it up 2014 is a very good start.