Tuesday, April 2, 2013

How the Aryan Brotherhood Kills: From the Gang Signs to the Sanctioned Hits


Article PhotoHas the Aryan Brotherhood launched a war against Texas?
while they have been trying to scare us with the Muskim Brotherhood, look what the cat dragged in.
that which i expressed concern about when the license to kill laws were passed, a few Blacks and a couple of Hispanics no problem, but now the fruits of their labors are over running their houses, i say poetic justice is alive and well in Texas.  i ain't mad are you?
That’s the question law enforcement authorities are wrestling with in Kaufman County, some 20 miles southeast of Dallas, after the brazen weekend slaying of a district attorney and his wife. The killings come just two months after another prosecutor was shot execution style by unknown assailants as he walked from his car to the county courthouse.
 The Texas branch of the white supremacist group has been eyed in connection because more than 30 members and at least four of its most senior leaders were busted in a federal takedown late last year. On November 30, an investigation run by local law enforcement, the FBI, and the ATF indicted key members for carrying out murders, attempted murders, conspiracies, arsons, assaults, robberies, and drug trafficking as part of an enterprise that goes back to at least 1993. (One of the group’s top leaders is believed to have snitched, cooperating with authorities in the investigation.)
in the face of this real threat, why are they still trying to push for a gun in every hand and a chicken bone in every pot?  Matt Dillon is dead who they gonna call to clean up Dodge city?