Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Texas solon favors barnyard-style sex education

In 2009, a Texas school superintendent declared that sex-education classes were unnecessary in his rural district. Most of the area's school kids live on farms, he explained, therefore: "They get a pretty good sex education from their animals."
It's this kind of thinking that makes Texas so special.
wonder how Texas women feel when they are out alone subject to Texas ruls and regulations for being a women
That specialness has now flowered in our state senate. Ken Paxton, a full-fledged right-wing Republican from a Dallas suburb, is proposing to ban Planned Parenthood from providing sex-education materials to any Texas school. Paxton says the women's health organization favors sexual freedom for females, and – well, we can't have that in our classrooms, can we?
Of course, Paxton is really just pandering to anti-abortion and anti-women's-rights extremists. Planned Parenthood has become the favorite whipping girl of that far-right faction, so piling on it is considered great sport by cheap-shot, political opportunists like Paxton.
there doesn't seem to be anything cheap about it they are spending big bucks to deny laws such as the VAWA and any other form on restraint by them and education of their prey.
Interestingly, neither he nor his Planned Parenthood-bashing supporters have found any examples of the demonized organization's materials being used in Texas classrooms. And they won't find any, because the group does not even offer a sex-education curriculum to schools! But Paxton's bill is almost-comically panicky, prohibiting anyone who is merely a member of the group from providing information or instruction to sex ed classes. Ramping up this goofiness, one far-out alarmist even testified that Planned Parenthood's secret agenda is to teach children how to use sex toys.
lecherous laws are made by lecherous law makers who seem to think our female population is here to be their concubines whenever the urge hits them.  is Texas where that thing about "keep 'em barefoot and down on the farm"?