n Party: the wonks versus the pols.Conservative thinkers are increasingly agitated that, four months after a second straight presidential drubbing, GOP officeholders are not taking bold steps to bring a 1980s-style Republican platform into the 21st century.Almost daily, there is a fresh op-ed or magazine piece from the class of commentators and policy intellectuals urging Republicans to show a little intellectual leg and offer some daring and innovation beyond the old standbys of cutting income taxes and spending. It’s not that the eggheads are urging moderation — it’s more like relevance. The standard plea: The GOP will rebound only when it communicates to working-class and middle-class voters how its ideas will improve their lives.
that will take something like that line from the usual suspects,
The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. And like ...
they are not of that kind to talk to others as equals and embracing their ethnicities and helping those less fortunate and the elderly, not the repunlican way, so any visible alterations are just that and like pants or a skirt those alterations can unravel at the stitches.
But there is virtually no evidence that these impassioned appeals for change are being listened to by the audience that matters — Republican elected officials. With few exceptions, most of the GOP leadership in Washington is following a business-as-usual strategy. The language and tactics being used in this winter’s battles with President Barack Obama are tried-and-true Republican maxims that date back to the Reagan era or before. And that, say the wonks, spells political danger and more electoral decline.“This is a party which from 2010 to 2012 was thinking it was about to be in charge of the government when that should have been a period during which we were aggressively developing new policy ideas,” lamented Newt Gingrich in an interview. “But we were sitting there waiting for Obama to be beaten.”
disillusionment has set ioff the TP-er's to bring the country down if they can't have the America they want then there will be no America.