Tuesday, March 12, 2013

DSCC Attacks House Republicans Eyeing the Senate in '14


Article PhotoWith House Budget Chairman Paul D. Ryan set to rele
ase his new budget on Tuesday, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee warned House Republicans eyeing Senate races that it will use their votes for the plan against them in paid media.
On Monday, DSCC Executive Director Guy Cecil and Democratic pollster Geoff Garin told reporters that the Wisconsin Republican’s previous budget plan hurt GOP Senate candidates last year. Cecil said that all of the post-election analysis has overlooked that fact in favor of a focus on the GOP’s candidate quality problem, polling inaccuracies and, according to the DSCC, faulty messaging.
“We’ll be launching an online media campaign to educate voters on Facebook and other social media,” Cecil said. “We’ll be launching an email campaign to engage our volunteers and our donors in this fight. And really this is the first in several steps to hold Republicans accountable on the air, on the ground, in the mail and online.”
 Garin said the biggest takeaway is that the landscape of next year’s midterm elections is far different than in 2010, when voters didn’t have a GOP-controlled branch of government to compare with what Democrats were doing.
this is just what we needed play their game with improvements to the process, no lying and deceit.  can you imagine the scramble now by the repblicans to try and counter that which took them to the shed twice already?
“That election was an outlet to express their frustrations with the status quo and the disappointments they felt at that time with President [Barack] Obama and the Democratic Congress,” Garin said. “As we approach the 2014 cycle, we are in a very different place where the Republicans are front-and-center in terms of how people think about American politics.”
they made a promise of jobs being their number one job thy just forgot they were still married to the one term thingy, omly jobs seen came from this admin inspite of the republican failure to launch on Pres.'s jobs act last count Pres. 236,000 republicans goose egg