Wednesday, February 13, 2013

'Senator Cruz Has Gone Over The Line': Colleagues Slam Ted Cruz For Irresponsible Rhetoric On Hagel
you can always spot the rookies on the right, they always go overboard in hyperbole and heavy handed attacks making their bones on how well he can throw red meat.

Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) criticized Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) during an Senate Armed Services Committee meeting today on Chuck Hagel’s Defense Secretary nomination for suggesting that Hagel is being influenced financially by foreign countries.

During the meeting, Cruz objected to moving forward with Hagel’s nomination, saying — without offering any evidence — that the former Republican senator may have received money directly from countries like North Korea and Saudi Arabia.
“This Senator feels like that Senator Cruz has gone over the line,” Nelson shot back at Cruz. “He basically has impugned the patriotism of the nominee.” The Florida Democrat continued:
NELSON: In your conclusions which you are entitled to come to about him in essence about him being cozy with Iran. And you have also stated your opinion that you don’t think he has been truthful with this committee. Now those are two fairly strong statements. And I couldn’t help but having had the privilage of serving on this committee for a while, and seeing the two former chairman on either side of the nominee and I looked at the former Repubican chairman John Warner’s face as some of the questions were asked as he visibly winced. There’s a certain degree of comity and civility that this committee has always been known for. And clearly in the sharpness difference of opinion to question in essence whether somebody is a fellow traveler with another country I think is taking it too far
these inquisitions are really not to approve Pres.'s appointees but to deny Pres., ever notice from Ms. Rice on they can't help but to praise the person for everything but inventing sliced bread.
then like Dracula they go for the throat revealing the fake praise and showing them to be small and vindictive and others just power mad, the harder they hit the more atta boys they get from the leaders but at a cost of public scrutiny of their obvious over the fence disrespect after lavishing respect two faced?