for some with a history of being discriminated against and any other demeaning thing you can think of, they seem to take on the mindset of those oppressors. they then set about doing the same to others they deem lesser persons.
like those that came here to escape religious persecution, and tyranny from western Europe as soon as they got here set about doing exactly what the were trying to escape, and to this day the mindset continues the tradition of having to put someone else down to make yourself experience a little self esteem.
In the battle for outrageous comments by the right-wing to back up their hypocrisy, it takes a lot to make a splash. Erik Rush of WorldNetDaily, however, has reached a new level with his piece published Thursday titled “Americans’ Intellectual Indolence.”In it, he classified anyone who has a differing opinion as “low-information” and “most of these are either laughably dim by nature or pitifully ignorant due to deep indoctrination.” To continue, they are “dedicated liberals evidence increasingly deeper delusion as they continue to advocate for our Marxist in chief. I suppose that this is to be expected, as pathetic and craven though it may be.” Good way to start off a piece, complaining that the majority of the United States disagrees with you.But, he goes off on a rant, claiming that the Obama administraion is being fiscally irresponsible, ignoring that Congress sets the budget, not the President. Then he claimed special insight into Obamacare, claiming that contrary to reality, Obamacare is an expensive socialized medicine system. If we only were so lucky.
these self haters are pawns for the right wing the more outrages and out hating the others gets you recognized, problem is they don't know when to stop and go to far for those they were courting example Allen West.
But, the second half of his piece reveals the point of his rage. His rant turns on its heel, and he blames – wait for it – homosexuals. From his article:One would think this a no-brainer; they need to continue to keep gays out of the BSA.He then claimed that “Private organizations” have “the right to discriminate all they like” and are under attack “by a militant homosexual lobby that wishes to normalize the popular perception of homosexual behavior.”I am convinced that many of its “true believers” aren’t even aware they are merely pawns of the radical left, but given the latter’s tenacious modus operandi, otherwise intelligent, conscientious people have nonetheless subscribed to the prevailing propaganda proffered by an agenda-driven press and the homosexual lobby.’Then, there’s the ongoing discussion and legislation relative to homosexual “marriage.” Like black Klansmen and male sorority sisters, “gay marriage” simply doesn’t exist. Oh, we have monogamous homosexual couples playing house, and certain states issuing marriage licenses to them, but there’s no marriage there. This is because marriage is not a civil union; it’s an ordained one.A very common argument by those on the right, failing to study their civics or history, where marriage was not an ordained right, but only a civil. The addition of religious overtones to marriage were not even formalized until the Council of Trent in 1563, and before that was a legal status, with few, if any, religious overtones. Same sex marriage was even fully legal throughout Europe until the Theodosian Code which imposed the Christian ideology of the Emperor Theodosius II onto the Byzantine Empire. Same Sex Marriage survived in the Meditteranian region, however, before finally being stomped out from the isolated oasis Siwa in the mid-20th century.
biggest offense is when they go offon these rants, they are devoid of history and substance which makes them a crazy "N" word betraying their own by those they attempt to impress, end of the day he is still that "N" over there. there is no love in the city.