Monday, February 11, 2013

Gun Control Advocates Cheer Nugent’s SOTU Invite
Article Photothose who are not clapping and jumping up and down high fiving getting a cleared picture of the NRA of today, gleeful about a draft dodger and they want a gun in his hand, seems NRA has sealed the deal they are without doubt a faction of the right wing
The gun rights community may not be doing itself any favors by giving Ted Nugent a seat at the State of the Union speech Tuesday night.
The outspoken rocker will be a guest of Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX), one of the most vocal opponents of new gun control legislation following the Newtown, Conn., school massacre. But proponents of things like creating universal background checks and other gun regulations predicted on Monday that Nugent’s appearance will be a boon to their side and make it harder for gun rights advocates to make their case.
“If there’s better evidence that the NRA’s Washington lobbyists have lost their way, I can’t think of it,” Mark Glaze, director of New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, told TPM Monday. “They keep finding new ways to alienate their own members, which is a strange way to run a membership organization.”
there is no other reason but obstruction in the NRA mind he doesn't have to utter a word he will but sit there with that right wing crap eating grin on his face will get the red meat distributed.
But the juxtaposition between the group of survivors and a hardcore gun activist like Nugent during the SOTU is exactly what gun control advocates want.
“You’re going to have a guy who recently threatened the life of the President opposite over 20 survivors from some of our nation’s most gruesome episodes of gun violence,” Everitt said. “It’s heartless, and emblematic of just how radical the Republican Party has become on this issue.”
if they do this it will turn in to a carnival side show Nugent biting the heads off snakes an chickens.  that is a shame because that is their right to be there the victims but they would get lost in the circus og gun enthusiast over talking with signs.