Monday, February 11, 2013

Catholic Left Looks For An Opening With A New Pope

church should steer you in the direction of being a better person and consideration for your fellow man/women  not who to vote for that's not religion it's coercion.
Article PhotoWASHINGTON — Pope Benedict's surprise decision to abdicate the papacy will set the direction for an American church that has increasingly become a key force on the right.
Under the leadership of Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the U.S. Conference of Bishops has become a major player in Republican politics in recent years, and should the next pope be cut from the same conservative cloth as Benedict, that position could become solidified for decades to come.
But if the church settles on someone outside of Catholicism's conservative wing — perhaps a figure from Africa or Latin America — it could have significant implications for Dolan and the Conference, a change, if perhaps a remote one, that liberal American Catholic groups are eyeing with anticipation.
"The next pope has a unique opportunity to radically shift the agenda of the church," said Catholics United Executive Director James Salt in a statement.
if they continue to vote in their right wing Pope's then status quo should remain intact, but as stated if they look somewhere else maybe a leader wit out a directive might go with the reality of things like 98% of women who have and are using birth control.
i am hesitant to continue by no means do i intend to be derogatory, but i have always had problems with Catholic tenets, i'm Baptist but was forced to attend Catholic church for two separate years, graven images you bow to, confession you get to do the deed confess to no one but a priest who id forbidden to tell law enforcement or your spouse, he absolves you and tells you to say a few Hail Mary's i always felt wow what a racket now you can go back take another crack and as long as you can get to that confessional all is forgiven. 
given man's propensity to fail or be corrupt this religion was truly sent from Heaven?
But a renewed focus on social justice, women's equality, and climate change? Those are the sort of things at least progressives within the church are desperately hoping for from a new pontiff.
"The cardinals can and should consider opening their horizons toward a successor from the global south, such as Latin America or Africa, whose experience represents a vastly different worldview than many church leaders," Salt said.
Because they make up significant parts of swing states like Ohio, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania, white, working-class Catholics have become one of the most sought after voter demographics in national politics, and one that has shifted steadily to the right in recent years.
Republicans made a significant push, starting last spring when Speaker John Boehner and Sen. Roy Blunt took up Dolan's campaign against requiring Catholic employers to pay for contraception. The two lawmakers rallied Republicans against new Obama administration rules requiring contraception be provided as part of insurance plans.
should your religion tell you who to vote for, don't care how they word it to approach at all is an attempt to influence.  if the Catholic church leans republican that says they endorse most of it's doctrine, we have seen their manifesto it's full of hate an vitriol how can any church subscribe and side with those who oppose, money and power, does it trump God??
i was always taken a back how a bunch White men can go into a room a pick out who is Holier than Holiest and endow him with the mantel that requires you to give him basically the same reverence you give God, would God forgive pedophilia over and over and buy silence of those assaulted?
separation of church and state, is tantamount to Romney's coal mine owner friend telling his workers if they don't vote for Romney may not be a job for them, church if you don't vote republican armegedden is a possible future different words but same message, those that trust are pawns and like pawns they are the first to go.