Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Top 10 Ways Obama Made Liberals Proud In 2012

Victory! (White House photo)
Here is a concise list of the top 10 ways President Barack Obama
a made liberals – and the nation – proud in 2012:
1. Obama tells Barbara Walters it “doesn’t make sense” to prosecute recreational marijuana in states that have legalized it.
2. Obama holds the line on increasing tax rates for the wealthy, refusing to re-renew Bush tax cuts for the top 2 percent, sticking up for the true will of the American people, even if it means we go over the fiscal cliff.
3. Obama responds to the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting tragedy with compassion – and “active support” of an assault weapons ban.
just to wet your feet we have many more reasons that have not become apparent yet but will over the next 4 years, America you made the correct choice, now is the time to look for and acknowledge change of any thing that was not before. 
it's a new year with our Pres. with a new attitude if we don't embrace what we have then look at what you could've had and be thankful
For a more comprehensive list of President Obama’s accomplishment in office, check out Elisabeth Parker’s new post: Obama’s Top 35 Accomplishments – Looking Back On A Historic Presidency (So Far)
i guess mine would be he never gave up on us and those who opposed, he wanted it for All Americans something sorely missing from the other side. faith in right things to do, not money buying it for you.