Friday, December 21, 2012

The NRA Makes Statement On Newtown Shooting

NRA spokesman takes the podium and sets about blaiming everyone but NRA and affiliates then embarks on a inane trip down the righht wing fear mongering road, giving you all the things that you should fear other then guns.
he continues to claim if school officials had been armed "imagine what would have happened, he doesn't know like we don't know but i think it safe to say maybe more casualties then not.
now he goes to training armed people in our schools as their program to protect the kids ayter saying how armed people protect everyone and thing from the Pres. to your banks money. 
this is nothing but a self serving finger pointing effort to keep the status quo of the NRA.
"the only way to stop a guy with a gun is another guy with a gun", NRA feels two wrongs do make a right. fear mongering from beginning till end, and admits it will happen again if we don't buy more guns and arm more people that will cancel out the death and destruction, then what counters those left with their hands on the triggers paranoidingly waiting tick..tick...tick.