Monday, December 3, 2012

The cold, hard realities behind Medicare cuts

i'm a fine one to voice on this one seeing as how i receive a military pension and medical, but it does have to be realized that all i payed during my working years at this economy would not equal what i would be paid from SS or benefit of medicare. 
right wing abortion laws and extended life expectancy will continue to raise the population but still whats being payed in now is insufficient IMO largely due to republican job obstruction and refusal to do their jobs.
Democrats have said they can cut Medicare spending without touching seniors’ benefits. But here’s the reality: They can’t get several hundred billion dollars out of Medicare without at least some beneficiaries taking a hit.
And that could be a big problem if the framework for a fiscal cliff deal calls for $400 billion in entitlement savings — most of which would be likely to come from Medicare.
i don't think that we should revisit the fickled indifference of before when something we felt was promised but not delivered we immediately blamed Pres. but even in a progressive world some social programs might have to take a hit. 
granted if the right wing were not so hell bent on denying and and privatizing we maybe could do this without hurting elderly and poor, when one side cares less it's like trying to push a car up a hill with a rope.
remember 2014 still leaves two years to correct the wrong perpetrated on "we the people" vote for a working congress.
POLITICO has reported that $400 billion in entitlement savings is likely to be the floor in an eventual deal and that the Medicare cuts are likely to be a combination of raising the eligibility age, means testing and “efficiencies.”
But if President Barack Obama and Congress do agree to phase in a higher eligibility age — which, technically, wouldn’t touch “benefits” — many of those near-retirees would have to pay more for their health coverage. And if health care providers get hit with another round of cuts — the other big potential source of savings — in addition to the ones already on the way in the health care law, they’re warning that some of them won’t survive.
we can no longer be meme we need to except the change in our worlds population and if we want to keep what we have it has to be amended in such a way it is sufficient, better to have some than none.
if a deal that includes cuts happens it's because repulicanc feel it less important that your healthcare be affordable than insurance companies to have to give up a few dollars which is actually nullified by increase in membership.