Monday, December 3, 2012

Obamacare Vs. Rampant Corporate Healthcare Fraud

The fiduciary responsibility of a corporation is to maximize profits for its shareholders. Irrespective of the product, corporations will accomplish this by selling more products, increasing the efficiency of its production, and minimizing the labor cost to produce said product. 
It is for these specific reasons that the model for the delivery of healthcare should not be treated as any other product. The market simply does not work for the delivery of healthcare. Given that the major tenet of the market is the efficient allocation and utilization of resources, it makes it impossible to provide humane healthcare. In a pure market, diseases like Lupus or other diseases that do not affect as many as cancer ordiabetes, would receive no research. Older unproductive people would receive less care.
you know what they say btw a truth for a change, "the money is in the treatment not the cure" corp. code for we will squeeze you till the eagle on your last dollar bill screeches.
Government dollars have made research for diseases that would have otherwise been ignored possible. Government dollars have made the care of the elderly, the unproductive, and the poor possible.
The healthcare system is a classic case of the privatization of profits and the socialization of expenses and losses. Private insurance is used to skim profits from premiums.
Private insurance has even infected Medicare, the most efficient single payer system in America so far, with Medicare Advantage, which is no more effective than regular Medicare but costs 20% more (the profit skim). The immorality of this system was touched on in the op-ed “Immorality of Health Insurance.”
kinda makes the republican Ryan plan look less palatable huh?     and they spent the whole election cycle trying to sell it to you