Monday, December 3, 2012

Coming in 2013: 300 Extra Hours of School - Students at some schools in 5 states will get extra learning time

 Newser) – Happy holidays, kids: Your present is an extra 300 hours of school in 2013! Colorado, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, and Tennessee will announce the extra learning time today, a three-year pilot program meant to improve student achievement and allow them to take part in more enrichment activities like art and music. 
Ultimately, the goal is to expand the program to moreschools, especially low-income ones, the AP reports. Education Secretary Arne Duncan has long fought for more classroom time in order to help the US school system become more competitive globally.
wouldn't it be more cost effective to train and hire more teachers. the cost not only includes personnel but utilities food and equipment.
what good is additional learning when it's the same that prompted increasing it, more is not better the efficient.
a training program aimed at proficiency in educating to me makes more sense then just running up the cost by 300 hours more.